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Celiac Disease Tips
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy and celiac sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, wherein the consumption of gluten-based foods leads to damage of the tissues that line the small intestine. This hinders the ability of your body to absorb the essential nutrients from the foods you eat.
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume glut...more
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume glut...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DNB- more
Gastroenterologist•Sri Ganganagar
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy and celiac sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, wherein the consumption of gluten-based foods leads to damage of the tissues that line the small intestine. This hinders the ability of your body to absorb the essential nutrients from the foods you eat.
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
DNB (Surgical gastroenterology, MS( more
Surgical Gastroenterologist•Delhi
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy and celiac sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, wherein the consumption of gluten-based foods leads to damage of the tissues that line the small intestine. This hinders the ability of your body to absorb the essential nutrients from the foods you eat.
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
सिलिएक रोग जिसे कई बार स्प्रू या कोएलियाक के नाम से भी पुकारा जाता है. सिलिएक रोग के ग्लूटेन खाए जाने पर हमारे शरीर के इम्यून सिस्टम द्वारा दिया गया रिएक्शन होती है. आपको बता दें कि ग्लूटेन एक प्रकार का प्रोटीन है जो गेहूं, जौ और राई में मौजूद होता है. ऐसा कहा जाता है कीसिलिएक रोग एक ऑटो-इम्यून डिसऑर्डर होता है, जिसमें पारिवारिक या आनुवंशिक घटक हो सकते हैं. आइए इस लेख के माध्यम से हम सिलिएक रोग के घरेलू उपचार, इलाज और परहेज के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करें ताकि इस विषय में हमारी जागरूकता बढ़ सके....more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy and celiac sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, wherein the consumption of gluten-based foods leads to damage to the tissues that line the small intestine. This hinders the ability of your body to absorb the essential nutrients from the foods you eat.
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume glut...more
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume glut...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy and celiac sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, wherein the consumption of gluten-based foods leads to damage of the tissues that line the small intestine. This hinders the ability of your body to absorb the essential nutrients from the foods you eat.
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume glut...more
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume glut...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy and celiac sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, wherein the consumption of gluten-based foods leads to damage of the tissues that line the small intestine. This hinders the ability of your body to absorb the essential nutrients from the foods you eat.
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy and celiac sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, wherein the consumption of gluten-based foods leads to damage of the tissues that line the small intestine. This hinders the ability of your body to absorb the essential nutrients from the foods you eat.
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy and celiac sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, wherein the consumption of gluten-based foods leads to damage of the tissues that line the small intestine. This hinders the ability of your body to absorb the essential nutrients from the foods you eat.
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy and celiac sprue, celiac disease is an autoimmune digestive disorder, wherein the consumption of gluten-based foods leads to damage of the tissues that line the small intestine. This hinders the ability of your body to absorb the essential nutrients from the foods you eat.
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
Under normal conditions, the immune system of the body offers protection against external intruders. When individuals diagnosed with celiac disease consume gluten-ba...more
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